Physical Location
22 Capital Road (MAP)
Laguna, NM 87026
Main Contact information
P.O. Box 194
Laguna, NM 87026
Phone: 505-552-6654
Staff Members
Anne Oandasan – Planning Program Manager
Department Overview / Scope of Work
The Planning Program’s mission is to help support the values and achieve the goals of the Pueblo of Laguna by providing expertise in planning and offering professional advice on issues that affect the Pueblo’s physical development. The Planning Program develops and updates comprehensive and topic-specific plans for the Pueblo of Laguna; compiles data relevant to planning; designs and implements studies and public involvement processes necessary for planning; provides guidance regarding appropriate land use, master site planning, and building design; supports Pueblo departments in strategic planning processes and project management planning; and participates in regional planning processes and forums.
Programs & Activities
Village Comprehensive Plans
The planning program is developing comprehensive plans for the Pueblo’s villages. Comprehensive planning processes, including opportunities for community involvement, are guided by village planning committees. The comprehensive plans will include information, goals, and suggested action steps related to housing, economic development, transportation, elders, youth, health & safety, natural resources & environment, and farming & livestock, supported by information on community values, history, and population.
Capital Improvement Plan
The planning program manages the Pueblo of Laguna’s Capital Improvement Planning process in coordination with the Chief of Operations and the Capital Improvement Plan Technical Committee. A capital improvement project is a project costing more than five thousand dollars that plans, designs, or constructs a building, infrastructure, or other facility, or that purchases or installs vehicles, equipment, furnishings, or property. The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which is adopted annually by Council, lists all capital improvement projects proposed or underway that are managed by any Pueblo governmental program or department, entity, or village, or that are managed by other organizations on Pueblo of Laguna lands (with limited exceptions). Looking at the entire CIP, Council prioritizes projects for Pueblo and outside funding.
Bike & Pedestrian Route Planning
The planning program coordinated bike and pedestrian route planning using funding from a U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER II planning grant. The planning process was guided by a Community Biking and Walking Advisory Group (CBWAG) with representatives from each of the six villages, with work conducted by a consultant team. The project included community involvement, a description of preferred characteristics of routes, mapping and assessment of existing routes, recommendations for improvements to existing routes and creation of new routes, analysis and coordination regarding right of way, prioritization of projects, preparation and Council adoption of a plan, and design of a study to measure changes in bike and pedestrian activity on the Pueblo. The planning phase was followed by engineering designs for top-priority projects. Several projects have been constructed.
Site & Master Planning
The planning program works with other programs to develop plans that ensure the Pueblo’s land, as well as its investments in infrastructure, are used wisely for future development. Site and master plans suggest locations and layouts for buildings and infrastructure that are space-efficient, cost-effective, and welcoming and accessible to the community.
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Tools / Forms / Documents