Physical Location:
22 Bay Tree Road Bldg. B
Paraje, NM 87007
Main Contact Information:
Pueblo of Laguna
Environmental Program
PO Box 194
Laguna, NM 87026
Phone: (505) 552-7546 or 552-7512
Fax: (505) 552-6857
Fax: (505) 552-6857
Staff Members:
Gregory Jojola, Environmental Program Manager
Vacant, Water Quality Specialist, 505-552-5040
Vacant, Environmental Specialist, 505-552-5042
Vacant, Water Quality Specialist, 505-552-5040
Vacant, Environmental Specialist, 505-552-5042
Leon Kie, Environmental Technician, 505-552-5043
Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP)
Sabin Chavez, NALEMP Specialist, 552-5045
Department Overview
Mission Statement: To monitor and protect the environmental quality of Pueblo air, land, and water for the benefit of Pueblo member health and the future generations; while building capacity and providing comprehensive environmental services to the Pueblo.
The Environmental program is comprised of the following programs/projects:
Environmental Management/Administration
Water Quality (WQ) Program
General Assistance Program (GAP)
Air Quality Project (AQ)
Water Quality (WQ) Program
General Assistance Program (GAP)
Air Quality Project (AQ)
NALEMP (Native American Land Environmental Mitigation Program)
Scope of Work:
The Environmental Management supervises the federally funded programs/projects and is responsible for the administrative and financial accountability of the program. Provides oversight of environmental mitigation issues on Pueblo lands. Functions as liaison to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and State of New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) for environmental contamination issues that develop on or adjacent to Pueblo lands. Works with EPA on superfund issues associated with the Jackpile Uranium Mine. Secures funding to appropriately monitor and protect Pueblo air, land, and water resources and develops future capacity to expand those abilities.
The Water Quality Program conducts reservation-wide surface water monitoring for the development, support, and future enforcement of Water Quality Standards.
The GAP is responsible for implementing the Environmental Protection Agency’s policies to ensure compliance with the federal regulations, provides technical assistance to the Pueblo and consultation on environmental issues., supervises ongoing implementation projects, continues post-closure monitoring of former dump sites, and disseminates educational materials to public schools.
The Air Quality project will establish infrastructure, technical knowledge, and administrative capacity to create a Pueblo air quality monitoring program.
The Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program – The Pueblo of Laguna, in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the Pueblo’s contractor(s) will complete and establish all items put forth into Cooperative Agreement (CA) between the Pueblo, Department of Defense (DoD) and USACE. NALEMP’S main responsibilities are to assess, mitigate, and remediate Formally Used Defense Sites (FUDS) used by the United States Army air Corps during World War II from the former air field and any other DoD sites that have been newly discovered.
Water Quality Program – Reservation-wide Surface Water Monitoring and physical data collection in 4 rounds between October to August yearly.
Jackpile Superfund site assessment – RI/FS in review/HRS Ranking
Air Quality Program – Compiling Emissions Inventory
Ongoing Community Recycling.
NALEMP – MEC and MD surface clearance on KAFB PBR-14, Target S-1 was completed on May 31, 2018. Step II Site Assessment conducted on potential grenade site in the Sedillo Range Management Unit.
Solid Waste Management Code– approved January 27, 2009 (Tribal Resolution #06-09)
Solid Waste Regulations– approved January 27, 2009 (Tribal Resolution #06-09)