New Announcements:
The Enrollment Office has installed a new ID system for Tribal Member Photo IDs. The new IDs will include a physical address, an expiration date and will no longer include a social security number, which will make the IDs more secure and compliant with the Real ID standards.
Office Staff:
Lorraine Silva, Enrollment Manager (email)
Kayla Carrillo, Enrollment Clerk (email)
Cassandra Pino, Data Entry Clerk (email)
Main Contact Information
Phone Info: (505) 552-6654
Fax Number: (505) 552-7037
Office Email Address: Enrollment
Located at Laguna Village off of Interstate 40, Exit 114, South of NM Highway 124 (Route 66) East of St. Joseph Church.
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Enrollment Office is under the directive of the Pueblo Secretary and in accordance with the Pueblo of Laguna Constitution (Amended October 29, 2012). The Enrollment Office is responsible for maintaining a current membership roll and informing the Pueblo Secretary of the additions and deletions of said roll. The Tribal Enrollment Office is a public service office, as well as a vital records office, dealing with many different individuals, communities, programs, businesses and governments (tribal & non-tribal). The Enrollment Office consists of three (3) staff and assists the Enrollment Committee (who are appointed as a representative from each of the six (6) villages) and the Election Board (who are appointed as a representative from each of the six (6) villages).
Mission: To maintain the membership roll of the Pueblo of Laguna, according to the Pueblo of Laguna Constitution, Enrollment Ordinance, Resolution and POL Code. To assist individuals in applying for membership to become enrolled members and provide them with verification of enrollment by issuing Certificates of Indian Blood and/or membership cards, in order for those individuals to receive services through various programs and organizations.
Provides applications and information regarding Regular & Naturalized membership and the different benefits for each.
Provide documentation (CIBs, DCIBs, BIA Form 4432s, etc.) verifying tribal enrollment / membership.
Provide and assist with Relinquishment Forms, Village Transfer Forms, Abide By Forms, Funeral Expense, and Family Trees (Upon Written Request).
Maintain and safeguard the files of all enrolled members which contain vital & important documents & records. (Wills, Land Assignments, Power of Attorney, Court Orders, DD214’s, etc. can be placed in files by request only.)
Assist with Minor’s Trust Change of Address & Withdrawal Forms.
Generate statistical information (Upon Written Request).
Assist with the per capita distribution.
Assist the Enrollment Committee by preparing material presented to the Pueblo Council for quarterly presentations of new members held in March, June, September & December.
Assist with verifications of physical addresses (New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division (MVD)).
Assist families with preparing and filing death certificates with the New Mexico Vital Records.
Assist with retrieving birth/death certificates by making trips once a month to the NM Vital Records in Santa Fe. (Trips are made usually the first week of each month, contact office for further details & dates.)
Provide notary service at no charge.
*****Picture ID Cards*****
Are taken on FRIDAYS
Cost is $10.00
*****It is highly recommended to contact office to schedule an appointment.*****
You will be required to provide a document verifying your physical address and a copy of your birth certificate, if there is not one on file in the Enrollment Office. Please call the Enrollment Office to schedule an appointment.
The Enrollment Office has installed a new ID system for Tribal Member Photo IDs. The new IDs will include a physical address, an expiration date and will no longer include a social security number, which will make the IDs more secure and compliant with the Real ID standards.
Per the Pueblo of Laguna CONSTITUTION (Amended October 29, 2012):
Regular Membership Qualifications:
Any person one-fourth (1/4) or more Laguna Indian blood. (There is no time frame to apply for Regular Membership).
Regular members are eligible for all tribal benefits.
Naturalization Membership Qualifications:
- Persons of at least one-half (1/2) degree of Indian blood of federally recognized tribes who possess one-eighth (1/8) degree of Laguna Indian blood. (An individual must have one-eighth (1/8) or more Laguna blood AND must have a combined total Indian blood equaling one-half (1/2) from a federally recognized tribe(s)).
- In-laws who possess at least one-half (1/2) degree Indian blood and are enrolled with a federally recognized tribe. (In-laws married to a tribal member are eligible to be naturalized, however, an individual must possess at least one-half (1/2) total degree of Indian blood of a federally recognized tribe).
- Persons who previously relinquished their membership with Laguna. (Returning relinquished Laguna members are eligible to be naturalized, provided that the blood quantum qualifications are met).
There is no time limit to apply for naturalization; however, if the applicant is age eighteen (18) or older, they must serve a five (5) year probationary period where the applicant must report to their respective Village Officials for five (5) consecutive years before they become a naturalized member.
Currently, naturalized members do not receive the same tribal benefits as regular members, however they are eligible for Indian Health and PHS services as well as all other government services.
ARTICLE II-MEMBERSHIP, Sec. 3. Powers of the Pueblo Council over Membership, states:
The Pueblo Council shall have the sole authority to determine eligibility for enrollment as a member of the Pueblo. No decree of any Court purporting to determine membership in the Pueblo, paternity, or degree of Laguna Indian or other blood shall be recognized as determinative of membership in the Pueblo.
Applications are processed bi-weekly by the Enrollment Committee and submitted to Council with their recommendations on a quarterly basis each year: March, June, September, and December.
Certain documents are required to be submitted, please contact the Enrollment Office for further enrollment application information.
Membership in a federally recognized Indian Tribe is very important. Being in a recognized Indian Tribe gives you your Indian identity and Government benefits which you are all entitled to.
Enrollment Committee
Chairperson – Gloria Martin, Paguate Village
Vice Chairperson – Claudia Douma, Laguna Village
Secretary – Elaine Rivera, Seama Village
Darlene Correa, Mesita Village
Elsie Vaio, Encinal Village
Victoria Johnson, Paraje / Casa Blanca Village
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact information for frequently asked questions (Telephone Number) / Website Address:
- Minor’s Trust/IIM Account Information: (1-888-678-6836) /
- Whereabouts Unknown Information for IIM Accounts:
- Indian Trust Settlement Information: (1-800-961-6109) /
- Social Security Card Information: (1-800-772-1213) /
- Tribal Member NM Gross Tax Information:
- Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Resources for Native Americans from
- Nation Archives Native American Heritage Website:
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Where to Write for Vital Records:
- Authorization For Change of Address Form: /wp-content/uploads/2021/02/ACOA-FORM-NOTARY.pdf
- Minor’s Trust/IIM Change of Address Form: /wp-content/uploads/2021/02/OST-Change-Of-Address-form.pdf
- New Mexico Vital Records Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP) Form: /wp-content/uploads/2021/02/http___nmhealth.pdf
- Social Security Card Application: /wp-content/uploads/2021/02/ss-5.pdf