Physical Location:
Laguna Police Department
1 Industrial Pkwy
Mesita Village, Interstate 40, Exit 117
Main Contact information
Phone : (505) 552-6666
Open Space Officer OPEN
Department Overview / Scope of Work:
The mission of the Pueblo of Laguna (POL) Open Space Division is to assist the Department of Public Safety and the Environmental/Natural Resources Department (ENRD) by enforcing the Pueblo of Laguna laws, codes, and ordinances, and protecting the natural resources and property within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Pueblo of Laguna. Under the direct supervision of the Police Lieutenant, Conservation Officers protect Pueblo of Laguna natural resources, fish, and wildlife through enforcement of wildlife, law and order codes, ordinances, and regulations.
During the year, the Open Space Division holds Hunter Safety Education classes for tribal members and surrounding communities.
During POL tribal and non-tribal hunts, check points and field spot checks will be randomly held to ensure compliance with the POL Wildlife Code.
The Open Space Division currently employs seven (7) certified law enforcement officers and one (1) Sergeant.